Augustus K. Uht, PhD, PE

    (a.k.a.: Gus Uht)
Gus Uht en vacuo Retired Professor-in-Residence
(Formerly at the University of Rhode Island)
Cumberland, RI
Cell: (401) 787-1313
email: gusuht At

Publications - and related talks

Talks - other

  • Ph.D. Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985
  • M.Eng.(Elect.) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1978
  • B.S. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1977
  • P.E. - licensed Professional Engineer (NY, PA, RI)

Computer engineering, computer architecture and adaptive computing. Specifically:
Area: Project:
Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) - paper
Adaptive Computing TEAtime - paper / TEAPC - paper
Underclocking TEAPC - paper
Supercomputing Teradactyl and Petadactyl - paper

MuRI Logo Microarchitecture Research Insights Laboratory

BARC 2006 Workshop

Teaching (Archives) - Note: I no longer teach.

Info: Mentor Graphics, VHDL, LaTeX and X-windows (Archives)

Sayings and Proverbs - and on a different note...

[Biography | Research | Papers | Talks | BARC 2006 | Teaching | Info | Sayings and Proverbs ]

July 3, 2020 | Gus Uht | gusuht At