
Gus Uht
Resit Sendag

Annual Workshop
Friday, February 3, 2006
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

Many thanks to our sponsors for their support!
Bringing together computer
architecture experts and wannabes in the Greater Boston area.
BARC is composed
of numerous informal 15-30 minute presentations, long discussion
breaks and a keypanel session.
We invite abstracts for consideration for presentation at
BARC. As always, elegant as well as preliminary solutions to architectural
problems are welcome.
Check out the
Call for Abstracts for more information!
Feb. 9, 2006:
* Proceedings put online: Same as physical Proceedings distributed at the Workshop, only in color.
--- Includes full Abstracts and four-up Talks (four slides per page).
* Talks put online: Same as shown at the Workshop.
--- Some may differ slightly from those versions in the Proceedings.
--- Includes most Keypanelists' presentations.
* Members of the Organizing Committee begin to retire.
February 3, 2006:
* We thank all of those who trekked down to the wilds of RI and participated. We especially thank the authors for all of their hard work in preparing for the Workshop. Finally, our thanks to all of those who spent time to make BARC 2006 a success.
* Attendance: about 110. (We originally expected 75, and the number steadily increased until we had to plan for 120, the room's capacity.)
Important Dates:
(Abstract Submission deadline: PAST)
(Author Notification: Tuesday, December 20, 2005: PAST)
(Advance Registration deadline: Friday, January 20, 2006: PAST)
(==> Advance Registration is required for all <==)
(Final abstract and slides due: Wednesday, January 25, 2006: PAST)
(Workshop Date: Friday, February 3, 2006: PAST)
(Snow Date: Friday, March 3, 2006, same location: Not needed.)